Stash challenge

I just read a post on Aleydis LJwhere she wrote about a different take on the SCA A&S 50 Challenge – the Stash Challenge. The original challenge is about making 50 A&S things between 2007 and 2015 (that when SCA celebrates it’s 50th birthday). The 50 projects could either be based on depth, breath or persona. I’ve been tempted to pick up the persona challenge, making 50 project that has to do with my persona. On the other hand I doubt that I won’t make 50 things by 2015 either way, making the challenge a bit unnecessary for me. The Stash Challenge  (and here) on the other hand is perfect, this challenge is about using all the stuff that you’ve been accumulating in your stash and make 50 projects. At least 50 % of the materials has to be from your stash.

Another great part of the challenge is that you set your own rules. These are a few of the rules I’m thinking about using:

  • only SCA time period projects
  • at least 50 % of the materials has to come from my stash
  • I’m counting everything I can find at home as my stash, for example pieces of wood in the garage also counts as well as the mountain of fabric that I have
  • a documentation (or at least a how-to guide) has to accompany each project
  • UFO (unfinished objects) counts as well

I’ll be thinking about this… then we’ll see what happens!

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