Back in the SCA

… not that I really left it but christmas and new years also meant a break from SCA. Tonight was this years first shire meeting and it was nice to meet everyone again. An old member turned up again after moving back to the city as well as a new member (yay!) who seemed enthusiastic and will fit in with the rest of us. We made plans for our every-other-week-meetings until summer. There will be sewing, dyeing, woodworking, calligraphy and other medievalish stuff! I have high hopes for this year.

I’m planning on going to Double Wars in May, we didn’t go last year so I’m looking forward to it. We’ll see how many other event I go to.   Civil Wars are already booked but it hardly counts since it’s my shire event. I’ve volunteered to be the head cook this year and I’m looking forward to improve the feast even more.

Going to Double Wars means I’ve got to get started on garb. Right now I have a couple of dresses that sort of fit – that’s all! The Herjolfsnäs gown need to be finished and then I hope to sew a GFD, darling husband also need new clothes. Other than that I hope to do lots of tablet weaving and dyeing this year.

What are your plans this year?

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