a Crafty Challenge

Feeling inspired (thanks to Racaire, Ezabella and K-Money among others) and after some pondering, here it is!

A Crafty Challenge

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
– I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
– What I create will be just for you.
– It’ll be done this year.
– You have no clue what it’s going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry. I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure!
– I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you have to put this in your journal as well. We all can make stuff!

So… write something in the comments and I’ll get started (sometime this year 🙂 )!

Brown hosen

I finished my hosen a while back but has been to lazy to take some photos…ahem. Anyway!

They are made from a brown twill wool and handsewn with waxed unbleached linen thread. I’ve draped the pattern on my foot and leg. The foot construction is based on a reconstruction in Textiles and Clothing (p 189 fig 168). They are meant to be worn with garters.

14th century wool hosen.
14th century wool hosen.

For a first try I’m pretty pleased with them. There are to much bunching on the upper side of the ankle that I need to adjust before I make the next pair. I don’t feel the seems under the foot when I walk around so that’s a good thing.

I plan to write a some sort of instruction/documentation as soon as I get the pattern back. (I lent it to Elsa 🙂

Personal challenge for 2009

I don’t really believe in New Year resolutions. What I do believe in is challenges. I’ve been thinking about the stash challenge but not really felt the inspiration so this is what I’ll do this year:

For every new project I start this year I´ll finish an UFO (unfinished object)!

Sounds simple right? The thing is that I have a bunch of UFO:s that’s just laying around, usually without me remembering that I started them. This pile needs to stop growing!

These are just a few of the things…

  • leather belt
  • tablet woven bands that needs to be washed
  • a half finished woven basket
  • stuff that needs mending – I actually managed to wear a hole in my nalbinding socks…
  • all those notes from various lectures that needs to be written out fair

In a year we’ll see how I fared!

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