project: a hunting gathering (part 2)

See my previous post for a background story to this project.

An illumination is usually the first thing that peaks my attention when there is a project that I want to research in some way. This time it is was the gathering from the Livre de Chasse, a manuscript that first caught my attention when I was looking for inspiration for male clothing.

Continue reading “project: a hunting gathering (part 2)”


Not much is happening at the moment aside from tablet weaving. I’ve recently got some inspiratione to continue on my golden ribbon, which is a very good thing since I actually have to a deadline with this project.

a Supernatural episode + tablet weaving = progress (add some distraction for drool-worthy Winchesterbrothers 😉 )


Back in the SCA

… not that I really left it but christmas and new years also meant a break from SCA. Tonight was this years first shire meeting and it was nice to meet everyone again. An old member turned up again after moving back to the city as well as a new member (yay!) who seemed enthusiastic and will fit in with the rest of us. We made plans for our every-other-week-meetings until summer. There will be sewing, dyeing, woodworking, calligraphy and other medievalish stuff! I have high hopes for this year.

I’m planning on going to Double Wars in May, we didn’t go last year so I’m looking forward to it. We’ll see how many other event I go to.   Civil Wars are already booked but it hardly counts since it’s my shire event. I’ve volunteered to be the head cook this year and I’m looking forward to improve the feast even more.

Going to Double Wars means I’ve got to get started on garb. Right now I have a couple of dresses that sort of fit – that’s all! The Herjolfsnäs gown need to be finished and then I hope to sew a GFD, darling husband also need new clothes. Other than that I hope to do lots of tablet weaving and dyeing this year.

What are your plans this year?

A Greenland gown

I’m slowly starting my Herjolfsnäs-gown project. I’ve been doing lots of reading (in Danish!) in Else Östergårds book Som syet til jorden (Woven into earth) as well as searching the web.

Reading list:

On a side note, David Brown Book Co takes pre-orders for a new book by Östergård (with cowriters Anna Norgard and Lilli Fransen) called Medieval Garments Reconstructed: Norse Clothing Patterns. Looks interesting as is due to be published in December 2009.

I want to start a new tablet weaving project but inspiration seems to have left me. Do you have any tips for tablet weaving I can do with my dyed wool yarns?

Indigo and madder

I have totally forgotten to tell you about the dyeing I did in August. When everyone else had a wonderful time at Visby Medieval Week we decided it was time for some more dyeing. This time we went to Sigrid and Egil and the main focus was indigo and madder.

Dyed wool and silk.
Dyed wool and silk.

Sigrid had prepared the indigo reduction but made a slight miscalculation so instead of dark blues we got the above result. It was still very pretty! The red yarn is dyed with madder, most of them are over dyed with yarns we dyed in July that didn’t turn out with a useable colour. We also hade some yellow wool from the birch leave dyeing that we over dyed with indigo. Yellow + blue = very pretty greens!

Dyeing with indigo is very special since the indigo needs to be combined with oxygen for the yarn to turn blue. You may then put it down in the dye bath again and take it up to get a more intense colour.

Dyeing silk with indigo. See how the yarn becomes more and more blue as the indigo is combined with oxygen.
Dyeing silk with indigo. See how the yarn becomes more and more blue as the indigo is combined with oxygen.

I’m eager to try more indigo dyeing, especially with the silk. The silk I just during the dyeing was purchased from Solsilke and it will be interesting to see how well it works with tablet weaving. I bought two different types of thickness, one for weaving and one for embroidery.

Pretty blues.
Pretty blues.

I’ve got mail!

Came home from work today (first day after summer vacation) and the mailman had brought me a package! It was a lovely Crafty Challenge gift from Racaire – a very cute needle roll. Thank you Racaire!

Needle roll from Racaire
Needle roll from Racaire

On another note, a couple of weeks ago I gave Dis her Crafty Challenge gift. It’s was my latest tablet woven band (TWE No 3). She promised me pictures when she has put it to use (probably on her viking garb).

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